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Tickets for January
Envoyé par: Always Optimistic from Glos (
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2001 11:59:32

Sorry to write in English, but I'm sorry that je ne parle pas francais!
I and two others are travelling to La Rochelle for the Parker Pen game in January and wondered what the ticket arrangements are. Can we buy tickets before the game or will there be plenty on sale on the day of the match? If anyone could help I would be extremely grateful. Thank you, merci, allez Stade Rocelais, allez Glos!

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: TH91 (
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2001 12:16:56

"Je viens en voyage à La Rochelle pour le Parker Pen et je me demande comment on peut obtenir des billets. Peut-on acheter les billets avant le match ou y aura t-il suffisament de billets en vente avant le matche? Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider je lui en serais extrêmement reconnaissant."
Quelqu'un peut-il lui répondre même en français et je lui retraduirai.

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: David (
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2001 14:25:55

<img src=> I guess the Parker Pen Game is the European Shield... In France, we use this expression. <img src=>

I think you can buy tickets just before the match. There is always on sale in the counter.

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: TH91 (
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2001 14:47:26

classe David! your english is perfect!

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: David (
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2001 17:32:18

T'as remarqué ? Même mon nom je l'ai écrit en anglais ! <img src=>

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: Always Optimistic from Glos (
Date: Thursday 13 December 2001 12:12:29

Thank you, merci, tres bien, bravo! The full title of the competition is the Parker Pen European Shield which is a bit of a mouthful. Looking forward to spending four days in La Rochelle in January! Au revoir!

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: CG (57.67.16.---)
Date: Thursday 13 December 2001 15:35:16

Hi guys,
Four days in our city ? Oh my God !... how tired you'll be !....
May I advise you if you really want to have good time ?
Try to come here 3 days before the match, because after.... you'll cry.
I'm kidding of course.
Hope you'll enjoy your stay in our city. I won't be there to see the match.
Take care.

Re: Tickets for January
Envoyé par: fredo (
Date: Friday 14 December 2001 17:05:27


Envoyé par: lolo (
Date: Monday 17 December 2001 18:24:14

j' aime myriam de tout mon coeur.
Et vive le S.R.

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